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Journey Options

Each plan includes an initial consultation plus follow up with personalized plan, supplement and lifestyle recommendations tailored to your needs, meal planning and recipes based on your nutritional needs, food preferences, and lifestyle.

Each plan includes mindset coaching surrounding what stands in the way of achieving your goal(s), enhancing your mindset around nutrition, and supporting you on life's stressors to allow optimal success.

The following are packages to suit your needs:

*notice of price increase October 1, 2024

Image by Anh Nguyen
Image by Anna Pelzer
Food Photography


  • Initial consultation with personalized plan 

  • 6x50 minute follow-ups at 2 week intervals

  • Email support as needed

  • $1250


  • Initial consultation with personalized plan development

  • Twelvex50 minute follow-ups at 2 week intervals

  • Email support as needed

  • $2150


  • Initial consultation with personalized plan 

  • Twenty-Fourx50 minute follow-ups at 2 week intervals

  • Email support as needed

  • $3950

Specialized Services: Services

Challenges, Intensive Programs, and Resets

Repair your body, repair your mind, repair your soul

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Heal Your Hormones - Live Your Life :

6 Month Nutrition Program

Have you lost your mojo?

Your periods are irregular, fatigue consumes you, acne has crept up, and those hot flashes...phew!

Maybe constipation or diarrhea plaque you and you're losing more hair by the day.

You ache for vibrant energy, predictable periods, clear skin, solids sleeps and consistent BMs.

Your mojo is back, and your thyroid is happy again!

YOU can have this!


  • 6 months of support & gentle guidance

  • One intake & one plan delivery meeting

  • 12 one-on-one coaching sessions. Bi-monthly @ 45mins/session

  • Diet analysis & tailored plan including lifestyle & supplement recommendations

  • Feed your hormones cheat-sheet

  • Sample menu & recipes

  • Unlimited access to me via email


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Get Gutsy

A 30-day Optimal Gut Health Program Incorporating Functional Medicine Principles and Holistic Approaches

How I feel... 

  • gas/bloating

  • heartburn, GERD, or acid reflux

  • nausea and/or vomiting

  • headache                                         

  • moodiness (anxiety and depression included)

  • food sensitivities

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • cravings

  • imbalances such as SIBO, H.pylori, or candida

  • weight gain despite best efforts at loosing

  • Autoimmune diseases such as IBS, Hashimotos thyroiditis, psoriasis, celiac disease

  • leaky gut

  • your symptoms are simply out of control, you aren't coping in the way you had anticipated, and just straight up need that push forward to overcome what's holding you back

How I want to feel...

  • energetic and without the bloating to hold me back

  • relief from constipation and/or diarrhea

  • clear headed and able to concentrate

  • improved digestion

  • improved mental health

  • reduced or completely eliminated pain

  • autoimmune disease remission

  • improved sleep

  • empowered with the knowledge to take over my OWN digestive issues!!!

"Get Gutsy" is a comprehensive, 100% online, 30-day gut-health program incorporating functional medicine principles and holistic approaches. This program is designed to empower you with the knowledge to recognize your own gut (and health) issues while also equipping you with strategies to intervene and aid resolution.

"Get Gutsy" involves a customized plan based on your response to an in-depth gut questionnaire. You are presented with a plan to follow for 4 weeks (30 days) along with tailored instructions from me in regards to your specific digestive issue.

Program Includes:

  • an in-depth questionnaire regarding your digestive health

  • personalized tweaks based on your questionnaire to ensure we are targeting the root cause

  • over 60 pages of information to educate you on the gut, allowing a heightened level of empowerment over your own health. Includes 30 day plan.

  • 41 science backed references

  • menu plan, nutrition guidelines, and 30 gut-approved recipes

  • lifestyle recommendations

  • supplement recommendations (tailored to your needs)

  • 20% off supplements

  • full support from myself via email

How is this program different from others?

Rather than only tell you what to do (which I will!) I am ALSO focused on providing you with enough information; explaining the 'why's' behind specific digestive issues, 'how' the body responds in different situations, 'who' is affected, and 'what' you can do about it.

Is this program accessible to anyone in the world?

Yes! This program is 100% online so please share with family and friends!

Is there a payment plan?

A payment plan can be arranged for those in need.

What about specific food sensitivities or health issues I have?

Upon completion of your Get Gutsy questionnaire, I will focus my efforts on suggesting alternatives for your meal plans. As for health issues, anything within my realm of understanding will be addressed and worked through. If any serious health complications present on your questionnaire and are out of my comfort zone, you will be refunded the program cost 100%.

What is the cost of the program?

Program cost is $500

*Ask me about the extended 6-month Get Gutsy Program.

Specialized Services: Welcome

Get Gutsy LITE

A 30-day Self Guided Optimal Gut-health Program Incorporating Functional Medicine Principles and Holistic Approaches

This self-guided ‘lite’ gut health program includes the full ‘Get Gutsy’ program (see details above) without the 1 on 1 coaching or tailored plan specific to your needs.

It’s an excellent program and guide for those whom are self motivated and can adhere to weekly instructions.

There is the option to include the Gut Questionnaire which will further tailor the plan to you (at an additional cost).

Cost is $100

Specialized Services: Text
Stressed Woman

Adrenals In Harmony


Specialized Services: Services

Is this YOU?

“3pm hits and I’m totally exhausted…I just want to crawl under my desk. I’m exhausted at bedtime yet, once I turn out the light, my mind goes into overdrive and I worry about projects I need to complete at work, the kids social lives and drama surrounding that, the persistent colds my husband gets (is he seriously ill?! And if he is, how will I manage life taking care of him, the kids, and supporting us all??!). Finally I sleep only to wake with the alarm, totally exhausted. I cannot cope with my daily tasks such as preparing lunches and dinners for everyone, multi-tasking at work, and running from one sporting event to another. I feel like I just want to scream and let it all out yet I don’t want to look crazy so I don’t. I notice I’ve been gaining weight despite no changes in my eating or exercise habits so I hit the gym more often yet the weight just keeps adding up. Why do I bother? I’m exhausted when I arrive and exercise no longer gives me energy, in fact, I’m flat out for at least 2 days afterwards. Thankfully I have my coffee keeping me afloat and after lunch dose of sweet treats. They are my saviors yet I feel like crap shortly after having them…oh well, I’ll just keep eating them as I do feel better once I’m dosed up again. I saw my doctor and she did blood tests which showed nothing. She said I was just depressed and anxious in relation to the death of my Mom and dog in the past 5 months, the demands of my daily family and work life. She gave me an anti-depressant and told me there was nothing else wrong with me. Somewhat satisfied, I zip off to do school pick up, down some fast food in the car as we go off to hockey practice. Finally, bedtime hits but I’m suddenly buzzing with energy. What is that?! Now I cannot settle down and my racing thoughts start all over again. Let’s hope I sleep tonight and wake rested. I don’t and the cycle starts all over again.”

Could you have written this? Read below to learn more.

A 4 week recovery program focused on getting you back into THRIVE mode (and out of just surviving)

What Does Adrenals In Harmony Include:

  • an in-depth questionnaire revealing your stage of adrenal dysregulation and where the issue stems from

  • over 50 pages of information to educate and empower you on your quest for adrenal balance

  • menu plan, nutrition guidelines, and 30 adrenal-supportive recipes

  • lifestyle recommendations depending on your stage of adrenal dysregulation

  • supplement recommendations tailored to your needs

  • 20% off supplements

  • full support from myself via email as needed

  • Optional add ons: continue working with me privately past 30 days


How is this program different from others?

My carefully laid out plan will not only address your unique needs but also explain the 'why's' behind adrenal dysregulation, 'how' the body responds in different situations, 'who' is affected, and 'what' you can do about it. This is NOT a one-size-fits-all protocol.

Is this program accessible to anyone in the world?

Yes! This program is 100% online so please share with family and friends!

Is there a payment plan?

A payment plan can be arranged for those in need.

What about specific food sensitivities or health issues I have?

Upon completion of your Adrenals In Harmony questionnaire, I will focus my efforts on suggesting alternatives for your meal plans. As for health issues, anything within my realm of understanding will be addressed and worked through. If any serious health complications present on your questionnaire and are out of my comfort zone, you will be refunded the program cost 100%.

What is the cost of the program?

Program cost is $500

Adrenals In Harmony LITE

Specialized Services: Services
Stressed Man

This self-guided ‘lite’ adrenal health program includes the full ‘Adrenals In Harmony’ program (see description above) but without the 1 on 1 coaching or tailored plan specific to your needs.

This is an excellent program and guide for those who are self-motivated and can adhere to weekly instructions.

There is an option to include the Adrenals Questionnaire intake tailored to your needs (at an additional cost).

Cost $100

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FREE 15 minute discovery call

Hop on a free 15 minute call to see what Nourish North is all about, how I may help you, and whether we jive in a working environment.

Thanks for submitting!

Specialized Services: Get a Quote
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