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7-day Spring Reset

  • 7 Days
  • 70 Steps


Want to feel better, have more energy, and step away from the winter blahs with pizzaz? Perhaps you want a reduction in your bloating, skin issues, and anxiety. With winter comes feelings of wanting to hibernate. Feeling lazy in the darker months, choosing more heavy, comforting foods over nourishing ones, and getting into the mindset that this is your new normal, certainly keeps you in a rut. But it doesn't have to be this way. Spring is here and now is the time to step into a new season, ditching your old ways and adopt new, healthy and enriching habits. My spring reset program includes:   🌸 a fully laid out plan including top beneficial and therapeutic foods, lifestyle recommendations and guidelines for an environmental and personal reevaluation 🌸 supplement suggestions supporting your pathways + 20% discount from my online dispensary 🌸 delicious recipes and food plan 🌸 Facebook support group where you'll receive my personal coaching as much as needed + where you'll receive community support Cost: $80 STARTS April 8th, 2024. Program runs for 7 days! ⭐MUST email me at to register

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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